On the 1st of February, project partner Bax & Company presented the REVALUE project findings at the 1st Workshop on “Innovative Methods and Tools to Facilitate the Implementation of Energy Efficiency Strategies and Action Plans – Energy Performance Assessment and Building Certification” at La Salle Campus in Barcelona.
The conference was organised by the research group ARC Engineering and Architecture La Salle from Barcelona (Spain) and the Energy Efficiency Centre of Jožef Stefan Institute from Ljubljana (Slovenia).
Bax & Company’s Christian Reister presented the results of the project’s regression analysis, led by Maastricht University, and outlined how investors and lenders could integrate energy data in its assessment processes. He explained that the results show that currently, EE is not impacting market prices of buildings. However, professional investors do believe that foreseen buyer perceptions and potentially regulation will have an impact. Consequently, larger banks have significantly expanded data collection effort.
To see the full presentation and for all the other powerpoints, please click here.